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  • Marmen Quartet

Marmen Quartet

Marmen Quartet

Marmen Quartet

Tue 13 Feb, 7:30pm

Marmen Quartet performs music by Joseph Haydn, Tōru Takemitsu and Claude Debussy.

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Joseph Haydn String Quartet Op 33, No 6 Listen
Tōru Takemitsu A Way A Lone Listen
Claude Debussy String Quartet Listen

Marmen Quartet opens this concert with Joseph Haydn’s hugely popular Quartet Op 33 No 6, followed by Tōru Takemitsu’s A Way A Lone, inspired by James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake, which was written for the tenth anniversary of the Tokyo String Quartet. Throughout his life Takemitsu was greatly inspired by the music of Claude Debussy.

A long-standing favourite of the chamber music repertoire, Debussy’s String Quartet conjures up a dizzying array of colours, astonishing beauty, and a huge variety of texture. Written in his early thirties, the music was startlingly unique for its time. One can detect the beginnings of a journey that would later give us masterpieces such as Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune and La mer, as well as inspiring composers such as Maurice Ravel, whose own string quartet is modelled on Debussy’s.

This concert is the fifth of six in the Leeds International Chamber Season 2023/24: French Connections. Click ‘The Season’ tab to find out more information about the season, or view all concerts on our website.

Photo credit: Marco Borggreve

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