Set in 1930s New York during The Great Depression, brave young Annie is forced to live a life of misery at Miss Hannigan’s orphanage. Her luck soon changes when she’s chosen to spend a fairytale Christmas with famous billionaire, Oliver Warbucks. Meanwhile, spiteful Miss Hannigan has other ideas and hatches a plan to spoil Annie’s search for her true family…
The beloved book and score are by Tony Award winners Thomas Meehan, Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin
After the recent success of our production of Fame last year at the Carriageworks, we are thrilled to bring you Annie with the unforgettable songs It’s The Hard-Knock Life, Easy Street, I Don’t Need Anything But You and Tomorrow, you can bet your bottom dollar that you’ll love it!
TBL Productionspresentsthisamateurproduction by arrangement with MTI Europe